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3D rendering in interior design has changed a lot over some time since its inception. It has come forward with a long journey from making only simple images to creating realistic photos with the high level of detailing. 3D architectural rendering services have helped a lot in growing interior businesses with fine detailing, detailed space management, lighting etc. All these features help in making realistic images which help in better communication with clients, and better communication with references helps grow business. In this blog, we will explore new upcoming advancements in 3D rendering services that help in enhanced pre-visualisation experiences and what can be the futuristic possibilities in interiors with 3D design rendering.

When was the first time 3D architectural rendering services were used in interiors?

The history of 3D design rendering dates back to 1963 when the father of computer graphics Ivan Sutherland invented Sketchpad. It was the first time that software could be used to draw and edit simple shapes.

6 Advancements in 3D Design Rendering Services

1. Real-Time Rendering: 

In real-time rendering, technological advancements have allowed to speed up the process of editing images. This technology also lets the designer utilise the real-time interaction of images with search engines such as Unreal and Unity. This is to enhance the user experience where the individual can walk through the design in any type of ambience and can experience the interiors from any angle. 

How does it help?

Designers can showcase their sample portfolio with real-time interior rendering where they can showcase a real-like interior with a rich virtual experience with a variety of designs so that clients can experience the actual look of the interiors.

In this type of 3D design rendering the use of artificial intelligence helps in meeting advanced goals in interior design. AI has brought revolutionary changes in the design industry. You can get on a plate what you can think of! So all you need is to understand your client's need and give prompts to AI-powered software. Thus, this helps in making quick design themes and interiors of the site. AI helps in making more accurate and realistic renderings with natural light simulators.

How does it help?

This rendering helps both ways. For designers to give a quick response to the design query and for clients to provide more accurate design references to designers for a better understanding of requirements.

One most interesting techniques is the XR technique which ‘X’ stands for any variable/ any word of the alphabet that can blend the physical world with digital elements. It can be said that augmented reality, mixed reality and virtual reality are subsets of extended reality that allow clients to explore various 3D environments.

How does it help?

This helps in creating better simulations for any type of user. The client can access your designs while staying at their place, which in return helps the designer in making powerful client engagement and less chances of losing a client with the help of extended reality in 3D architectural rendering services.

What appears different in paper sketches and digital images? Do all digital/online images appear the same? What makes the images realistic? These are some questions that are answered by photorealism and ray tracing. Interior designers who use advanced 3D design rendering software can get the benefit of this inbuilt feature where the objects can get accurate shadows and reflections with tracing of the path of light in different materials and elements.

How does it help?

It helps in making realistic 3D images, in creating walkthroughs and in virtual reality where the whole thing is about feeling futuristic designs with technology.

Take a look!!

A 360-degree view of interiors created with 3D rendering by Interior Design Wala.

5. Mobile and Cloud Rendering

If you want scalable, cost-effective and easily accessible 3D architectural rendering services but not on your local computer then cloud rendering is your option. This helps in increasing efficiency as multiple devices can work on the render at the same time.  

How does it help?

This technology is used to speed up the tasks to free the local computers and enable it at remote locations so that the rendering can be done parallelly at several locations.

One of the most stunning 3D architectural rendering services that are going to be the future trend of interior design is the Holographic rendering technique. In this technique, 3D images are created in void spaces. This technique can be used as a great tool for placing furniture and objects in the interiors. However, the users of this technique are still fewer due to high-cost investment and less skill set, but as a futuristic approach, this can be a real path breaker in 3D design rendering. 

How does it help?

This is the ultimate real-time experience of the interiors where you can see the future design elements live in your own space. Switching to this technique enhances customer satisfaction as they can see a holographic image of the futuristic design in their desired corner.

The Last Say

If we see it from an end user's perspective, one question will always come to our mind, i.e. ‘ but how will my interiors look like ?”. After all, when we talk about interiors it's all about the looks and feeling. Now it's the capability of the interior designer how he can bring richness to this ‘ look and feel’. It's only by giving the user that experience! These advanced technologies are the solutions for creating a rich experience for the user. Of course, there may not be every client who will be needing it but those demanding it can’t be ignored. They are the most aware clients who are ready to spend bucks provided the designer ensures them the quality work they provide. 

This assurance can be provided by samples, brochures, and projects done in past by sharing 3D architectural rendering images of the user’s site. On top of it when designers use these advanced rendering techniques, it enhances the clarity of design to clients that are going to be part of life of their for years. So, interior designers if you want to grow your business start thinking about advancing in technology.


Q1.  Who is the best 3D architectural rendering services provider in interiors?

Q2. Can we have a 360-degree view of our interiors with 3D design rendering?

Q3. What is the cost of 3D rendering in interiors?

A. The cost of 3D rendering in interiors is variable according to the design complexity, the base price of the company and the built-up area of the space. You can get a free quotation at Interior Design Wala at 9315097751, drop a mail at bd@idwinteriors.com or simply visit www.interiordesignwala.com